The Last Kiss preview
I tried to be really cool and fancy and have a video for the trailer of The Last Kiss on here, whixh I got from but the html code didn't work. Bloody Blogger! Ah well, you can see it just by clicking on the Zach Braff link just there -----> so it's not too much of a travesty.
Talliestar xxx
Try Youtube, chicklet! And take comment moderation off, will you, it's annoying.
12:44 PM
I would use YouTube but you can see the trailer just by going to so there isn't much point. And as per your request, comment moderation is off, until someone starts spamming again, in which case I'll put it on again.
1:02 PM
You know, tal, I've been a-thinking, and it's very hard to keep up two blogs of the same sort. So, I'm thinking of going public with The Other Blog. I mean, fairee would see, but I don't think I'd mind. Would be quite nice actually. Hmm. I await your approval.
1:13 PM
Hmm. I think it's up to you, but I think it would be OK. I mean it's not that private and personal anymore, anyway. Then I could link to Estella's Revenge and stuff on my blog, too.
2:51 AM
Fairee would see what? let me in?! i dont like being shut out... and wtf is estella's revenge? Hmph i am waiting to hear more. me xxx
12:40 PM
Don't worry fairee, all will become clear (probably) in time!
3:12 AM
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