Updates at LCA
There are three new reviews at Lights, Camera, Action! (Finally!) So go and have a look. Link is over there. ----> Also, I have updated my links section.
Tonight I'm going to dinner with nine friends for my birthday (yes, I do know if was a week ago. Oh my God, I've been 16 for a week!) It will be very fun.
Oh yeah, remember I told you all how Ema Williams had been hired to play Maria for a certain number of performances each week? Well, since Connie won the part, the producers have decided to let her do six shows a week, and Emma will only do two. BUT, Emma didn't like this idea, and has dropped out! So Connie will now do all eight performances! Yay! So hopefully that will mean I'll definitely see her when I go in December. I can see why Emma dropped out, though. It would be horrible to perform to an audience who doesn't want to see you, who wants to see the person they voted for.
Nothing exciting is going on right now. I'm very boring. Check out the lastest Meg Cabot post, it's hilarious. Link also over there somewhere ---->. I have so much homework to do today. I really should get started on that. I'm writing in very short sentences.
Tallie xxx
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