Thoughts, ideas and random stuff from Talliestar.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

A school rant and theatre ramble

I was about to go to Livvie's blog and leave a comment telling her off for not blogging since like, forever. But then I hadn't exactly been regular with my blogging either, so hence I am writing a blog entry here rather than an angry comment at Musings.

I have about a hundred reviews to write at Lights, Camera, Action, which has been rather neglected recently, as well as an article of the same name for the school newspaper, run by Livvie. So, thinking about that, there are probably better ways for me to be spending my time than blogging here. Oh well.

I officially hate Year 11. I've probably said that before, but it's true. As well as all the piles of work and the dreaded coursework, we now have another mini-hell to go through - mocks. These, for those who don't know, is where we basically do all our GCSE exams, but they don't actually count. They are for PRACTICE. How crap. Now, I know they have their uses: find out how you are doing and how much work you should do for the real ones, plus you won't have to revise as much come the summer since you will already have kind of learnt everything. But still, I do not need 2 weeks of exams right now! I'm struggling just to keep up with normal homework! And even though they don't count towards GCSEs, they do use your marks if you somehow are unable to take the real exams, and also they base the scholarships for Sixth Form mainly on your mock results. And so, for me, that means I kind of have to do well. God, I hate school sometimes.

Moving on to happier subjects, I am still very into Wicked, and I also discovered that I still have £30 of theatre tokens from my birthday to spend. They don't have an expiry dtae, so there's no hurry to use them, but I'm starting to think what I'd like to see. I saw three West End shows in December, so my parents aren't exactly in a hurry to take me to see more, but I think a trip to London in half term might be nice, yes? Avenue Q looks good, and I think I get 2 for 1 on tickets because I have an Oyster card (London traveller's card). So that's cool. Or.... Dirty Dancing? Nah. I could always see Wicked again... hm, appealing thought. I'd love to see Billy Elliot again. Or Mary Poppins. And The Lion King is meant to be amazing. Little Shop of Horrors also looks good. Oh, the choices! Any thoughts?

I should probably go and write some reviews now.


Tallie xxx

Saturday, January 06, 2007

YouTube galore!

Here are a few videos for you to check out:

Kristin Chenoweth being interviewed on the Ellen Show. It's so funny!

- Plus, look how grown up Dakota Fanning has become!

- And for all Rent fans...

Tallie xxx

(Wow, two very short posts in a row. Well, I don't have very much to say!)

Friday, January 05, 2007

Have wicked new year! (oh god)

Obsessed??? Me???

Happy (belated) New Year!

Tallie xxx