It's OK folks, you can stop worrying, as I know you have been. My lovely friend Alice has bought the Wicked tickets from me and my dad and I have booked to go on Saturday 2nd December! Yay! I think I may be the luckiest person ever - this December I am going to three of the top shows in London - Wicked, Coram Boy and The Sound Of Music. I am feeling very lucky indeed.
Speaking of The Sound of Music, it opened last Wednesday with rave reviews. Go to where you can watch exciting clips of the show. Well, to me they're exciting anyway. Connie (winner of the show I spent all of September discussing on here) has been unanimously praised and I can't wait to see her in the role.
Speaking of musicals in general (I'm doing some good linking things here, aren't I?) I have become the tiniest bit obsessed with Rent. I saw the movie last Friday when it came on rent (rent - ha!) from LOVEfilm and I haven't been able to send it back. I just can't. Obviously I'll have to send it back sometime, so I'm going to need to buy the DVD. And the soundtrack. Read my review at LCA.
It's interesting, HIV and AIDs is one of the biggest issues in the musical and I realised that 1) I really know hardly anything about the disease. Or is it two different diseases? You see, I know hardly anything about it and 2) I've never really thought about people who aren't starving and living in Africa getting it. I guess living where I live and going to the school I go to it's not really an issue at all, but clearly it is for millions of other people.
Now, because I know virtually nothing about all that and also about drugs and their side effects. Some aspects of Rent are slightly confusing to me. There is a shot of one character, Mimi, sitting on the edge of the bath, sweating all over and shivering uncontrollably, but is that because she's got AIDs, or because she's a heroin addict? Or both? I'm really very ignorant when it comes to these things. And I'd like to find out.
Moving from one piece of tragic subject matter to another, (again, the linking thing!) tonight I'm seeing the Greek tragedy Oedipus at a local theatre, with some people from my Classical Civilisation class at school. I'm not terribly looking forward to it, but I don't know much about it so I suppose it could be really good. Who knows, maybe Greek tragedy will become my next obsession. But I doubt it.
Right, I'm off to find something to do to avoid doing my homework. Bye!
Talliestar xxx